Hi, I'm Emily Sophie and I'm here to help facilitate a transformation within you, so that you can fully and whole heartedly step into your spotlight and shine💫
Dance is magical. It can unearth and unleash parts of you that you never knew existed or were too afraid to show. It's a space for self expression and exploration, it heals you from the inside out and it can set your soul free.
As someone who used to be incredibly shy, dancing was always my safe space, my sanctuary and my home.
Dance gave me the freedom to tap into my best self-the Emily I knew I really was deep down, the one who was afraid to be seen in life but who flourished when in the midst of her movement.
And when I learned about personal development and the true power and potential of our minds, I began to embody the confidence and self worth of 'performer me' into my everyday life.
When you fuse the transformative art of dance with a winning mindset and stellar self belief, your light will shine for all to see.
Outstanding! Emily is obviously an incredible dancer but brings no ego to her teaching and just radiates a genuine desire to help people find their confidence and enjoy the freedom of dancing. This is such a rare and beautiful set of qualities to find in a dance teacher. She absolutely stands out.
Thank you so much for all your hard work that you put into all your ventures and I wanted you to know that thanks to you, I am feeling well and truly out of my funk.
Emily is such a kind and positive person and she inspired me to challenge myself, in a supportive way. It was an empowering experience to see myself dance and have fun! Emily is so reassuring and supportive and her positive energy helps you feel so comfortable and empowered - building your confidence and self belief!
Read inspiring interviews with professional dancers and people who have been transformed through dance from all over the world every month inside the Dance Boss e-zine. Click HERE!

Inspiring interviews every month
Confessions of a
Read my self help/memoir book Confessions of a dancer-available to purchase online from Amazon and all good bookstores.