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...And put on your Gaia bracelet,
as you enjoy a gentle meditation and these eye opening journal prompts
Take a breath, relax and let go...
Now it's time to let your mind flow...

Grab your journal and a pen and allow your mind to flow freely as you answer the following journal prompts

1. What are 10 things I love about myself?

2. What are my biggest strengths?

3. What is my dream job and why?

4. What is my ideal day/life?

5. What would need to happen for me to live my best life?

6. What action steps can I take today to put this into motion?

7. How does this make me feel?

8. What accountability do I need to make this happen?

9. What does my future self look like?

10. How can I start embodying my future self today?

Now it's time to get to know your Gaia Bracelet...
A daily reminder to choose joy!

Peridot: Good health, restful sleep, peace in relationships by balancing the emotions and mind, inspires creativity and brings good cheer

Fluorite: Aids clarity and mental enhancement, clears negative energy and aids in decision making and establishes balance, joy and harmony

The Evil Eye: Guards against misfortune, brings good luck and protects from any ill-will
A daily reminder to look for magic!

Clear Quartz: Enhances mental clarity, focus and emotional stability, very healing, aids in spiritual growth and manifestation, calming

Tiger's Eye: Luck and bravery in new ventures, restores confidence, increases wealth and vitality, strengthens self worth

The Evil Eye: Guards against misfortune, brings good luck and protects from any ill-will
A daily reminder to choose love!

Clear Quartz: Enhances mental clarity, focus and emotional stability, very healing, aids in spiritual growth and manifestation, calming

Rose Quartz: The crystal of universal love, boosts self love and helps foster loving relationships with others, increases trust, harmony, compassion and calm

The Evil Eye: Guards against misfortune, brings good luck and protects from any ill-will
A daily reminder to choose hope!

Clear Quartz: Enhances mental clarity, focus and emotional stability, very healing, aids in spiritual growth and manifestation, calming

Good health, restful sleep, peace in relationships by balancing the emotions and mind, inspires creativity and brings good cheer

The Evil Eye: Guards against misfortune, brings good luck and protects from any ill-will
A daily reminder to shine!

Red/Orange Aventurine: Good luck and fortune, manifestor of exciting new possibilities, diffuses negative emotions, motivates the wearer to take action to make their dreams come true

The Evil Eye: Guards against misfortune, brings good luck and protects from any ill-will
A daily reminder to call in the calm!

Clear Quartz: Enhances mental clarity, focus and emotional stability, very healing, aids in spiritual growth and manifestation, calming

Amethyst: Developing spirituality and meditation, cleansing, calming, symbol of peace, serenity and trust

The Evil Eye: Guards against misfortune, brings good luck and protects from any ill-will
A daily reminder to dance!

Red/Orange Aventurine:
Good luck and fortune, manifestor of exciting new possibilities, diffuses negative emotions, motivates the wearer to take action to make their dreams come true

Agate: Positive thinking, harmoney, rebalance, soothing, calming and helps you to feel safe

The Evil Eye: Guards against misfortune, brings good luck and protects from any ill-will
A daily reminder to be mindful!

Has a soothing effect on the nervous system and great healing abilities, associated with money, luck and success

The Evil Eye: Guards against misfortune, brings good luck and protects from any ill-will
A daily reminder to dream!

Rose Quartz: The crystal of universal love, boosts self love and helps foster loving relationships with others, increases trust, harmony, compassion and calm

Aids clarity and mental enhancement, clears negative energy and aids in decision making and establishes balance, joy and harmony

The Evil Eye: Guards against misfortune, brings good luck and protects from any ill-will
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